After our essayist grieved his mouser, Charlie, you shared your own cats stories

The reason why our skilled writers affix their contact information at the end of their articles is not to garner investment opportunities in an ailing refinery vessel, as one email solicitation brazenly suggested. Nay, it is to establish a bridge of communication between our readers and ourselves. We entreat you, dear perusers, to share your considerations, feelings, and individual encounters with us.. Whether positive or negative, we relish the chance to hear from you. Your feedback lets us know that we have created a connection, a bond that is not easily replicated in journalism, or in any facet of life for that matter.

shared your own cats stories

Our esteemed writer for Pacific NW magazine, Erik Lacitis, is a true master of forging such connections. He possesses a rare gift for weaving compelling tales that captivate his audience, from a rural gentleman in Eastern Washington who documents extraterrestrial sightings to iconic images that encapsulate the essence of the Pacific Northwest. Erik's stories are meant to spark a dialogue, and he has a unique talent for continuing those conversations in a respectful and engaging manner.

Our talented new features producer, Sarah-Mae McCullough, noticed that Erik's January 15th cover story, "RATS!", was the most-read online story of the month, with readers spending an inordinate amount of time perusing it. However, it was Erik's accompanying Backstory, a touching tribute to his feline companion, Charlie, that truly resonated with our audience. The outpouring of support and empathy that followed was nothing short of astounding.

Erik shared with us a selection of the heartfelt messages he received from our readers, and they were anything but perfunctory. They were works of art, filled with touching anecdotes, poetry, and heart-warming photos. The overwhelming response prompted Sarah-Mae to suggest that we publish a selection of those rat/cat messages as a standalone article. Your stories have inspired us to write more pieces that capture the essence of our unique place and time, and we urge you to continue to connect with us and share your thoughts.


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